Red Special Meetups 2023

The 2023 US East Coast Red Special meetup was held in Myrtle Beach, SC, in September, and the UK Red Special meetup took place in Reading, England in October.

These meetups bring together Red Special builders and enthusiasts from all around the world, and have the added benefit of raising funds for Sir Brian May's Save Me Trust.

We introduced the new Kendall Deluxe Special at the meetups. It features 24K gold plated hardware from The Cyber Shop, custom plastics from RSConversions, and natural bubinga veneer clear coated with a 2K automotive finish. It was very well received.

24K Deluxe Special

At the UK meetup, Luke Timmins, guitarist with the tribute band Supreme Queen, kindly took the guitar for a spin.

Andrew Guyton, official luthier to Brian May, attended the UK meetup and brought several of the guitars he has built, including the Ruby Special which features 24K gold plated hardware and bubinga veneer.

Sister by Another Mister?

The Guyton Ruby Special is veneered with quilted bubinga, while this Kendall Deluxe Special is veneered with mottled bubinga, which undulates in the light.

Quilted Bubinga
Mottled Bubinga